This package allows the user to move in a VR environment with a car model and drive by using a VR headset. The car can move forward and backward by looking to the windshield and pressing the magnetic trigger. The steering wheel turns automatically when moving the head. The game is over when you crash or run over a pedestrian.
This package includes:
- 3D models of the car, the environment, and skybox. All futuristic.
- Textures and materials of the 2D people and other objects.
- Game manager which controls the evolution of the game and restarts it.
- Player script to control the vehicle.
- Scripts that give movement to the pedestrians and cars.
- Checkpoint script that changes the material of the checkpoint when the player gets to it.
- A main scene with the basic driving game.
-All gameobjects have a futuristic style.
Cardboard assets ARE NEEDED AND CAN BE downloaded from:
https://developers.google.com/cardboard/unity/download SDK 1.50
Works with cardboard SDK1.50
You might need a Gamepad to test the game on Android.