This small file will allow you to make countless numbers of different wooden floors.
Be it used, square, scratched parquet in old flat, or nice and clean modern flooring panels.
Material created with Substance Designer, has up to 2k, PBR realistic proceduraly generated Albedo, Normal and Metalness/Smoothness maps.
Exposed parameters will allow you to:
- change wood color
- control number of planks in square
- control scratches amount
- control roughness/smoothness
- change pattern
- change color between planks
- change planks numbers
Resulting in infinite number of possible outcomes!.
Default preset is set to 1x1m meter in real life.
Small, procedurally generated file can be used also for mobile.
Pack includes source *.sbs file, so you can modify it in Substance Designer.
You can also use FREE Substance Player to change parameters and export maps as common bitmaps up to 4k resolution.
Note: Exported Metallic has Smoothness in Alpha channel for Unity standard shader, so there's no need for exporting Roughness.
Create your floors and please rate :)
Take a look at my other packages.