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New in 1.06: Better controls & video info functions, playlist improvements, ability to use hundreds of command line arguments to customize every aspect of playback for your special needs.
VLC Media Player for Unity lets you play any video and codec or even Youtube directly from Unity on windows standalone applications: multiple 4K videos with high bitrate is no problem anymore, since it's rendered with Direct3D on your GPU.
* Play any video / codec VLC supports: mkv, mp4, divx, wmv, quicktime ...
* Play in 4K with Direct3D on GPU even on older PCs
* Special VLC version is included in your build...
* or: you can use an installed VLC on the machine and save a bit of filesize
* Play videos from StreamingAssets or from any location accessible
* Beta: Possibility to stream to Texture2D, see below (needed for VR playback)
* Streaming: Just use url as Videopath (RTSP, HLS,..everything VLC supports!)
* Fullscreen and Windowed playback
* Render Video over UI Elements (2D)
* Call control functions like Play(), JumpToSecond(12) etc from your scripts
* Play video in background (behind UI and 3D elements, experimental)
* Easy Youtube streaming from url
* Dynamic Aspect handling
* Subtitle support
* Use VLC command line arguments
Please read the readme after downloading for an quick introduction on setup and how everything works.
Please note: The possibility to stream to Texture2D is a seperate, free extension to this package and still in BETA (no warranties!), do check the infos here first!
Restrictions: Works only on Windows standalone platform at the moment. Future versions might bring OSX and Linux support. For Youtube, please first test the videos in a current VLC version, Google sometimes changes something and some restricted videos only work after a VLC update again. Tested on PCs with Win 7, 8, 8.1, 10.