One click Enable/Disable packages
Load and unload packages dramatically speeds up debugging and load times
Does not alter any of your package contents
Reduces namespace clutter & speeds up searching
Easily turn off demos, extranious resources and examples
No slowdown penalty regardless of how many packages you have
Keeps a list of all your packages ready and waiting for you
Works just as easily with your own libraries
PackageMaster Ghosts and UnGhosts your package from Unity's build. Without touching the actual files even though your packages are in the project folder. Unity will ignore what you wish, and automatically build a smaller solution file for you, and then displays a Project View only reflecting what you have chosen. When you want them back, a click of a button and Unity does the reverse. All your packages are displayed (hidden or unhidden) conveniently in the PackageMaster view
Never again import/reimport your packages into your project as your needs change
PackageMaster keeps everything together so that you can update and change at will, but without the usual slowdown and code complexity of having everything loaded.
Source control all your packages and Game code and resources even though to Unity they are invisible. Your Source revision control system sees all the files. Regardless of what Unity thinks it has.
Fully documented