AutoAI Pathfinder & Routing
The objective of this AutoAI Pathfinder is to allow your AI to quickly & easily move around in your game scene, whether it be moving up stairs to the 5th floor of a building or running around in the streets of a settlement. This component has the objective also of being simple to use & quick to add to any NPC/AI character.
This component is perfect for the following scenarios:
- City building where you need your NPC characters to move around in the city/settlement in a realistic way.
- When you have a complex terrain with rivers & bridges that NPC characters need to use to cross.
- When you need AI characters to move between two distant locations/settlements by using the highway instead of the direct path through the forest!
- If you need your characters to patrol specific routes.
- If have object/building dynamically placed on the world map that your characters need to navigate past without requiring any extra code from you to cater for the new building.
- If you have a building with a staircase that characters need to use to navigate through the building.
There are 3 different approaches taken by the component to move an NPC/AI from point A to point B:
1) Navigation Nodes - The component uses navigation nodes that can be dynamically placed & moved during either design-time or run-time of the game. Each node has a list of connected nodes that an NPC can take to travel to the next destination. .
2) Walk by bounds - When there are objects between the NPC and his current destination he will detect the size of the object in front of him along with a path around the object.
3) Walk by sight - NPC's will use sight to determine whether or not to take a specific route (such as directly moving to the target destination versus taking a Navigation Node path).
This is a complete pack catering for the 3 most important methods of moving AI characters around on the map, all combined into one single component. Events are also provided to hook up the movement system with your character animations.
For a simple WebPlayer demo:
Click Here