CoRoutine Pro is an advanced CoRoutine processor for use in EditorApplications or for your Game Logic or both!
Create custom EditorApplications that run in the background which coexist seamlessly with 100% of Unity's API, as there is no support for CoRoutines in an EditorApplication, much less one that can nest or support return variables.
Create more complex background processing for your game without the limitations the current CoRoutine Processor in Unity has.
-Return variables of any type from a CoRoutine just as you always have without resorting to tricks such as delegates or passing global variables around.
- Fully supports Exception handling even from within a yield. Just as you do with any other normal function
- Supports Try/Catch handlers from within a CoRoutine even from within a yield
- Fully supports Nested CoRoutines and even recursively call CoRoutines even from within a EditorApplication
- Control of TimeSlicing on a CoRoutine by CoRoutine basis faster than Update time.
- A CallStack for debugging and ErrorReporting
- Built-in Resource Locking support for CoRoutines
- Supports WaitForSeconds from inside a EditorApplication!
- LightWeight Framework. An important tool to get the job done nothing more nothing less.
- Fully documented.
This is your goto tool for creating background tasks of any complexity as an alternative to Threads as Unity is neither threadsafe, nor multi-threaded. CoRoutines. Nor can you call any Unity API function from within a thread.
With CoRoutine Pro you have access to 100% of the Unity API. And all without fear of race condition issues.