This asset extend Unity UI Text component, include:
1. hypertext
2. underline
3. gradient
4. font manage
5. Unity image font generation tool and document
- hypertext:
"Please Click [url=http://unity3d.com/cn/]Here[/url] to..."
"As early as 2009 [link_player=1971][u]Elon Musk[/u][/link_player] indicated..."
you can add you link type to UGUIText_Extend.linkAction
- underline:
"here is [u]underline[/u] text".
- gradient:
add "UIGradient" to Text, adjust "Top Color" and "Bottom Color".
- font manage:
menu->Edit->UI->Text Font Manager
you can replace target font or missing font in Text.
- Unity image font generation:
use some font image to generate Unity Custom Font and use in Text.