This is a basic FPS (first person shooter) kit that allows to shoot a target. The current application uses two shooting modes to hit the target:“hip” mode and “scope” mode. The player can switch between both modes by moving the hand over the phone's camera as it is shown in the video. This package contains:
- Player movement and shooting scripts.
- Camera script that obtains the “mean color” of the image that is used to change from “hip” mode to “scope” mode. Works on Android device.
- M4A1 gun model and scope model.
- Bullet script with sound effects.
- Dynamic bullseyes object that creates holes when bullets impact.
- Futuristic environment.
This package works with the “google cardboard” for UNITY that must be downloaded first using the following link:
Important note: cardboardEye.cs must be modified as shown in the DOCUMETATION to get the zooming effect. You also need to change the "Android Manfest" file.