This is a collection of 26 post processing shaders for Unity 5. Each shader can be installed by simply adding them to your camera, and editing the sliders until they meet your needs.
There is a large variety of shaders included. Most of them are Photo Realistic, and some are more fantasy themed. There are HDR Shaders, Color Correction Shaders, Depth Shaders and many others.
This package has also been fully integrated with Zone Controller, so you can configure each of these shaders on the fly at runtime.
I will be adding more shaders to this collection as time goes on, so you can be sure they will be updates.
Unity 5.4 BETA information:
This package is not intended for use with Unity 5.4 BETA. There are some known changes to the Unity 5.4 Depth Buffer format which will are not compatible with this asset. If you intend to use this package with Unity 5.4 Beta, I can only offer limited support as the Asset Store does not allow me to publish updates for beta versions of Unity.
Note on Deferred Rendering
Since most post processing shaders take advantage of deferred rendering, most of the shaders in this package have been written to take advantage of things only available in that rendering mode.
Included shaders are:
Auto Focus
An automatic Depth of Field adjustment shader which will automatically focus to what your camera is looking at.
Barrel Distortion
Is a shader that will create a lens warping effect that makes the view port take on the characteristics of a sphere.
Bend UV
Is a shader which creates an underwater/heat haze style effect on the screen.
Is an HDR effect which will look to brighten already bright objects in your scene and let them bleed over to other objects.
Chromatic Aberration
Will slightly separate the Red, Green and Blue color channels in your screen and provide a slightly more 3D looking effect.
Chromatic Blur
Is a mixture of the barrel distortion effect along with chromatic aberration which crate the sense of a motion blur moving in a forward direction.
Color Correction
A twist on the standard Color Correction shader, this variant offers RGB and HSV mixing so you can fine tune your color adjustments.
Color Mixer
Is a shader that allows you to specify how colors will mix and combine in your scene.
CRT Shader
Emulates the look and feel of an old CRT monitor
Day Dream
Is a shader that allows you to selectively apply color correction by providing alpha masks. This effect can be used to create striking visual effects where certain parts of the viewport will have color correction applied.
Depth Blur
Is a shader which works with pixel depth and allows you to set a hard defined region past which the camera will blur items.
Depth Fog
Creates a fog volume in your scene based on pixel depth from camera.
Depth LUT
This shader will apply color correction in regions before or past a certain depth of your camera's field of view.
Is a collection of shaders you can use to view physical properties of your scene such as World Space Normal, Depth Buffer, Ambient Occlusion mapping and many others.
Edge Shader
Is a simple shader which uses an edge detection algorithm and darkens the regions immediately adjacent to the selected pixel. It's a very fast alternative to SSAO.
Gaussian Blur
Is a bi-directional blur system that you can use to blur your entire screen.
Ghost Shader
Is a shader which allows you to capture a frame of gameplay every N-th frame, and have it linger on screen and blend with all subsequent frames until the ghost frame refreshes.
HDR Preamp
Is a shader you can use to liven up your scene color before use in other HDR enabled effects.
Honeymooners Shader
Is a screen effect which looks to emulate the style and quality of late 1950s broadcast television.
Lens Artifact
This shader creates a lens dirt effect you can add to your camera that will show up in HDR effects like Bloom.
Is a shader which you can use to add mirage to your scene. You can specify a depth/distance from the camera, and the shader will find the terrain below that and apply mirage at that location.
Motion Blur
Creates the sense of fast movement by slightly blurring the pixels that have moved from frame to frame.
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
A simple and effective SSAO shader that will help infer micro shadow information
A very simple but elegant tonemapping solution that will convert your HDR colors back down to LDR
Provides a traditional Vignette effect for your scene.
A downsampling shader which you can use to take your high quality and high fidelity scene and give it a retro flare.
In Addition:
There are 16 Alpha masks included for the Daydream Shader
There are 21 Standard Unity LUTs included for color correction shader.
There are 6 Lens Dirt textures included for the Lens Artifact shader.
These shaders are compatible with DirectX11 OpenGL