ALPS Allows you to easily create live wallpapers for android without AndroidStudio.
ALPS stands for Android Live wallPaper Service. ALPS is stable, clean and customize-able and provides all functionalities that live wallpapers will generally need.
ALPS comes packed with android Preference classes for common tasks such as ColorPicker, Text, Slider, Spinner etc. You can always use other Preference classes from Android as well. I will keep adding more on user request.
ALPS supports both homescreen/launcher bound scrolling or simulated scrolling with auto scroll so that ALPS users don't have to spend time fine tuning these common interactions.
Starting version 4.0, ALPS has complete inbuilt support for AdMob. ALPS supports banner, interstitial as well as rewarded video ads formats.
From version 5.0, ALPS comes with inbuilt InAppPuchase APIs for PlayStore. Since Unity’s IAP implementation won’t work with a live wallpaper, applications can make use of this new API to implement freemium model.
From version 6.0, ALPS has support for displaying as Activity. You can dynamically switch between activity and live wallpaper at runtime. This allows your app to work like a normal Android app as well as a live wallpaper at the same time. As always, you can customize the layout file. Version 6 also has API using which you can get Android Context objects for further customization. This version is a completely redesigned implementation and is not strictly backward compatible.
You are also provided with all the necessary callbacks and API to have full control over how, when and what type of ads get displayed. At the same time, ALPS takes care of all the fine details and makes integrating AdMob really easy for ALPS users.
Please note that as of now, ALPS supports only c# scripting.
The included C# code is fully commented and may be checked to understand API behaviors. Please note that Java code is not open.
Please email me or use the Unity forums for support and feature requests.
ALPSはAndroid Live wallPaper Serviceの略です。 ALPSは安定しており、クリーンでカスタマイズ可能であり、ライブ壁紙が一般的に必要とするすべての機能を提供します。
ALPSには、ColorPicker、Text、Slider、Spinnerなどの一般的なタスク用のAndroid Preferenceクラスが含まれています。Androidの他のPreferenceクラスもいつでも使用できます。今後もユーザーの要望に応じて追加していきます。
ALPSはバージョン4.0以降、AdMobを完全にサポートしています。 ALPSは、バナー、インタースティシャル、およびリワード動画広告フォーマットをサポートしています。
バージョン5.0以降、ALPSにはPlayStore用の組み込みのInAppPuchase APIが付属しています。 UnityのIAP実装はライブ壁紙では機能しないため、アプリケーションはこの新しいAPIを利用してフリーミアムモデルを実装できます。
含まれているC#コードは完全にコメント化されており、APIの動作を理解するためにチェックできます。 Javaコードは開いていません。