Rain Drop Effect 2 is a realistic and dynamic full-screen camera distortion effect.
Efficient for computation and compatible with Windows/Mac/Linux and mobile platforms. An iOS (iPhone5c) testing using AngryBots performed fine, keeping from 29 to 30 fps.
The asset enriches your game at low cost with not only rain effect but water splash, blood, and freezing effects.
All sources are written in C# and really easy to use.
** Features **
- Realistic and dynamic distortions.
- Four useful rain types: Simple, Static, Flow and Flow with friction.
- 13 game-in-ready prefabs.
- Relatively mobile friendly (You may have to decrease resolutions if needed).
- Supports both Unity Free and Pro.
- Supports DirectX9.
- Supports VR.
- Written in C#, flexible and customizable.
- Realistic Four water sounds included.