[Weaver Lite] [Weaver Pro] [Documentation] [Forum] [mail@kybernetik.com.au]
Weaver allows you to avoid using magic strings to reference assets, animations, layers, navigation areas, scenes, shaders, and tags. This makes your code more efficient and robust to improve development productivity as well as runtime performance.
❶ Asset Injection: attributes like [SerializeField], but for for static fields and properties (including private and readonly ones). Very useful for singletons and other global systems that would normally require some bad practices to set up.
❷ Asset Lists: automatically gather all assets of a specific type in a particular folder into a strongly typed list.
❸ Project Constants: procedurally generated scripts containing constants for animations, layers, navigation areas, scenes, shaders, and tags so that you don't need to use magic strings in your code.
❹ Procedural Assets: the system used to generate those scripts can be used to generate any type of asset using code: prefabs, meshes, materials, textures, sounds, etc.
❺ Object Pooling: easily and efficiently reuse objects to improve performance instead of creating and destroying them all the time.
Note: if you are upgrading from an earlier version of Weaver, the Change Log contains an Upgrade Guide to help you.