Using this package you will be able to throw arrows using a bow and score accordingly to your skills. The bow string has some physics, to simulate the elasticity of it and the stretching effect. The arrows are rigid bodies that could respond to wind and other environment factors.
This package contains:
- The bow, bullseyes and arrow models.
- The scripts that control the movement of the arrow and the stretching effect of the bow’s string.
- The score manager script.
- The picking arrow script which will depend on the amount of arrows in the scene.
- Smooth animations for simulating the “picking effect”.
- Game over effect, while the player approaches the bullseyes.
The skybox and the environment textures are obtained from :
-the standard assets
-Cope! Free Skybox Pack.
This package works with the “google cardboard” SDK version=1.50 for UNITY that must be downloaded first using the following link:
The program works as follows:
A sinusoid function is used to obtain the stretching of the bow’s string, which will be very related to the initial arrow speed. When the arrow impacts with the bullseyes, the score is updated. Whenever the player have thrown all the arrows, the player moves slowly to the bullseyes and the game restarts.