A 2D UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) with animations for side-scrolling games. Suitable for adventure, platformer, endless run, flying and similar games. Either spawn as obstacle or use as player, in both cases this UFO is perfect for your project.
The package contains spriter animation, sprite sheets, sprite sequences and vector file. All sprites are large enough for big screen size. UFO has 4 animation states.
Key Features
-UFO with 4 animation states
- Upto 8 frames per animation state
- Sprite Animation(Sprite Sheets)
- Skeletal Animation(with BrashMonkey's Spriter)
- Sprite Sequences(Sequential PNG files)
- Vector file(.svg) included
- All sprites are PNG.
- Sprite Sheets <= 1024 x 512 px
- Skeletal Sprites <= 512 x 512 px
- Sequence Sprites = 256 x 256 px
- Idle
- Flying
- Destroy
- Destroyed