This is a simple turret pack in which the player uses the mouse to move the turret and shoot an objective. In this case, some boxes are in the scene and have an “exploding” effect programed by script. Shooting occurs when pressing the left mouse button. When the bullets hit the boxes, they will explode into smaller boxes until they get to a limit size. The movement of the turret is controlled by the movement mouse as shown in the videos.
This package includes:
- 3D models of the turret.
- Textures and materials of the lasers and other objects.
- Turret movement script and shooting script.
- Realistic shooting sound effects.
- Ground hexagonal texture.
- Scripts that manage the creation of smaller
debris (explosion effect of the boxes).
- A main scene with the basic turret game.
- All gameobjects have a futuristic style.
- Documentation with script reference.
Final note: A FPS mode is also enabled, so player can "sit on" the turret.