Retro Game502 files included – 8-bit game ready audio assets, over 30 minutes of pure 8-Bit epic-ness! All the awesome classic sounds you need for your 8-Bit Arcade Game! Retro Game is here to offer you the ultimate sonic stockpile to turn your old school 80’s vintage production or idea to life!Crafted by OG Gamers, Inspired by OG games, Retro Game is the new age go to sound library for 8-Bit Game sound source. Designed and synthesized all in 44.1k/16bit file format for highest quality for our developer and designer friends to get down and dirty with all the 8-Bit splendor!Product Details:700+MBs500+ Game Ready files30+ Minutes of audioClassic Arcade Game Sound LibraryPerfect for Designers and DevelopersCoins, Pick Ups, CountersPower Ups and DownsMelodic Victory Wins and Loses8-Bit Explosions, Magic SpellsImpacts, Swords, Laser ShotsJumps and FallsWeapons, Bit HitsDame, Health, ChirpsAlerts, Activates, PingsErrors, UI, Menu SelectsBonus 10 8-Bit Game Music Loops & Much More!