⁑⁑⁑ Update for most comprehensive Facebook Package is arrived ⁑⁑⁑
✨Facebook Integration Pro✨ plugin helps you create games extremely social and interactive by incorporating Facebook games features.
Features Overview
1. Facebook Native Invites
2. Facebook Custom Invites Like Candy Crush or other King Games
3. Facebook Score Leaderboard
4. Search friends from Custom Invite Dialog
5. Search friends from Leaderboard
6. Sharing With Facebook Dialogue
7. Sharing with Custom Dialogue
8. Creating and sharing Open Graph Stories
(Deprecated in Facebook API 2.8 and above and so removed in latest version)
9. Creating and Sharing Achievement For your game.
10. Get Facebook Score of All Games that User Played
11. Get Facebook Profile Picture.
12. Save Facebook Profile Picture for offline access.
13. Load Facebook Profile Picture from Internal storage.
14. Get Facebook Score of Current Player.
15. Get Friends Count of current Player.
16. Get Friends details who played Current Game
17. Canvas Payment
18. Take screenshot and Share
and much more
Important: "Please note that publish_actions will not be granted for new apps with the sole purpose of accessing this API." If you are using Facebook Leaderboard then you must use Graph API (e.g, Share Screenshot) or Facebook won't approve permissions and you can't use Leaderboard
The package is provided with complete source code, server files, properly commented code and with a detailed documentation for easy getting started.
Graphics are for Demonstration purposes. Original Graphics in the asset may be different.
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