Felix's 2D RPG Character Pack is a high quality character assets perfect for your RPG games of all kind.
Each of the characters are made with detail, quality and polish in mind.
- 4 Characters : Soldier, Monk, Archer, Cleric. Each character have 12 unique and detailed animations.
- Ready to use with Unity's Mecanim Animation System or Spine Runtime.
- Built in frame events.
- High-res Character Portraits included
- Basic Special Effects included
Idle, Idle Ready, Walk, Run, Slice Attack, Stab Attack, Block, Jump Start, Jump Down, Jump Land, Hit, Dead.
Idle, Idle Ready, Walk, Run, Punch, Heavy Punch, Kick, Jump Start, Jump Down, Jump Land, Hit, Dead.
Idle, Idle Ready, Walk, Run, Attack, Spell, Area Spell, Jump Down, Jump Land, Hit, Dead.
Idle, Idle Ready, Walk, Run, Normal Shot, Power Shot, Arrow Shower, Jump Start, Jump Down, Jump Land, Hit, Dead.
The characters are packaged inside a Unity project, and ready to use with Unity's Mecanim.
If you have Spine license, you can also use Spine Runtimes. Download the runtime from the link above and use .json and .atlas data that's included in the package.