A surface shader to reduce repetition artefacts in tiled texturing.
Overcomes or reduces the common problem of repeated patterns commonly seen
when tiling textures.
Simply replace your tiled texture with an Aperiodic version, and apply this shader.
No other assets are required.
Useful for ground cover, 2D-patterns, camouflage, paving, and more.
Particularly useful for 'scrambling' 2D patterns.
Note, repetition patterns can be reduced but some repetition may still be noticed
in some circumstances, results are typically much better than without Aperiodic.
Very fast and lightweight, will even run on Mobile (tested Android 4.4 and above).
Supports simple Lambert(Diffuse) lighting and Specular, including reflections - reflection probes
and old style CubeMaps are selectable from the interface.
Runs on Shader 2.0 and above, also Android 4.4 and above.
Email support
Web support