Official thread of this asset on Unity Forums
The soundtracks have been carefully composed using a combination of virtual instruments from the Middle Ages and live instruments such as drums, recorders and classical guitar (emulating the sound of a lute) to ensure historical accuracy. The melodies and general sonority are based on extensive listening of pieces of music composed around the 10th and 11th century and on research of early medieval music harmony.
This MEGA PACK combines the Authentic Early Medieval Ages Audio Pack and the Authentic Medieval Battle PRO audio pack.
It includes:
- 9 full pieces (all of which are both loopable and non-loopable)
- 9 random soundtrack generation scripts, unique in the Assetstore:
==> 2 medieval church organs (minor/major)
==> 2 Gregorian chants (one ensemble in minor, one "live" singers in major)
==> A medieval lute (a sort of guitar)
==> A medieval harp
==> A medieval flute
==> A medieval folk dance music generation
==> A medieval battle music generation
These two last ones offer an incomparable variety of randomly generated soundtracks as they include a great number of melodies, song structures and instruments.
- 2 Interactive and/or Randomly generated soundtracks
==> One basic interactive "Exploration and Battle" script
==> One Interactive and Randomly generated Medieval Battle music which switches between "Peace" and "Battle" mood.
- An easy DRAG AND DROP Prefab system for quick "in game" integration. NO CODING REQUIRED! Simply drag and drop the Prefabs of your choice into your game, reposition the triggers, and YOU ARE DONE! (see the demo videos)
- A system to change the tempo/pitch of several of the randomly generated soundtracks for even more variety!
- 18 different chimes to underline events like a victory, defeat, a click on a button and the likes...
- Multiple ambiance sounds including campfire, battle, castle courtyard, forest, horses walking, winter wind..., all loopable.
- As a bonus, over 200 medieval sound FX!
Regarding file formats, all of the sound FX, Ambient sounds are in *.WAV format in highest quality.
The chimes, the random soundtrack generation script samples and the full soundtrack pieces are in *.OGG in 192 kbps quality.
I hope you'll enjoy this Asset!
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