Functionally and simple crafted plugin to extend Unity's reach into Native Android.
Unity 5 only (Runtime Android 6 permission requests require 5.3.2p2 or above).
Online documentation and usage examples
Key Features
- Android permissions: Get permission status (Android 2.3.3 and uo)
- Android 6 Runtime permissions: Request a Runtime Permission
- Multi-threaded Google Advertiser ID retrieval
- Schedule & Cancel Local Notifications
- Android Toast & Native Alerts
- Android Permission Editor
- GCM / FCM Remote Push Notification Registration
- All editable C# code included
- Works on Android SDK 9+ onwards
Other Features
- Packaged with Google Play Game Services (required for Google Advertiser ID retrieval, exclude on import if you have your own)
- Packaged with android-support-v4.jar (exclude on import if you have your own)
- API for customizing Local Push Notification icon and sounds
- Retrieve Native app version name
- Retrieve Native app version code
- Retrieve Native package name
- Retrieve Native AndroidID
- Retrieve Device Device Family (Phone or Tablet)
Planned features include; extended native device info + hardware stats, Google Play Game Services integration, deeplinking, Firebase integration.
We are real industry pros & love building friendly simple stuff. Let us know if you think of anything you would like us to include in the next updated, or if you have any need for support or fixes.
Contact us at androidbuddy@signalphire.com