CloudPlayer offers a simple, flexible and effective backend solution, while avoiding the need for special hosting requirements, and the uncertainties introduced by third party services.
From the Unity Editor or virtually any Unity build target(1), CloudPlayer connects your app or game with a web service -hosted on your Google Drive account-, enabling you to store player signups, logins, game stats, game statistics, etc.
Using the principle behind Google Sheets for Unity, enables Unity projects to make use of cloud environment services, like Google Spreadsheets.
Using this simple but remarkable technology, CloudPlayer opens the field of cloud services, bringing the power of Google Drive to the table, while liberating the developer from worries about authentication, dependencies, extra costs, and over complex scenerios.
The source code is included, which means optimal flexibility.
(1) Important: Exceptions are only web build targets: WebGL coming on future versions. WebPlayer, deprecated by Unity, will not be available.
Forum thread.