Robotester is a tool for automated testing. It is designed to test a game as a whole on a real mobile phone or tablet.
Robotester allows to write testing scenarios as C# code, so you may run them as many times as you want on any device, putting you out of manual routine.
Robotester allows you to:
* Emulate the actions of a real player - taps, swipes, entering text and pressing the hardware buttons
* Collect logs, make screenshots and capture videos from devices
* Test how the game works after reinstallation or restart. You can install, delete, launch or close the app right from the test code
* Test multiplayer by connecting two devices to a computer. It allows you to take actions on both devices from a single test
* Call any method of any object in the game that is running on your device right from the test code. For instance, you can unlock any level of the game, skipping the hours of gameplay and saving a lot of time.
How does it work?
1. Tester writes testing scenario (that are similar to unit tests),
2. Connects the Android device to their PC or Mac using USB cable,
3. Runs tests in Unity Editor.
Robotester executes testing scenario in Unity Editor, sending commands to the attached device.
System requirements
1. PC or Mac with installed Android SDK
2. Device with Android version 4.0 or higher
3. Unity version 5.0 or higher
You can find manual HERE
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