Create fully Unity's UI integrated particle effects.
The first and only full screen canvas particle solution for all platforms.Canvas Particle Emitter is the ultimate solution to create particle effects inside the Unity UGUI Canvas.It's a Gameobject Component as any other Unity UI Components that can render hundreds of particles using the default Canvas Render, with only 1 DrawCall for standard particles and 2 DrawCalls for texturized particles.It works with all unity versions for any platform.The framework is written in C# code and the source is provided. Check the script documentation for more information.Features* You can create tons of effects inside the Unity UI Canvas.* Include particle effects with texts, images, buttons, scrolls, and more.* Render hundreds of particles with just one draw call.* Use on free or pro Unity version from 4.6 or higher.* Support mobile, desktop, or console platforms.* Animate any particle or emitter attribute.* 5 emitter types: point, directional, line, rect, and circular.* Emitter with multi-texture particles.* Particles with animated textures.* Add masks to render the particles only on mask visible pixels.* Use an image to particle source.* Clone Shuriken particles within the UI.* Simulate on local or global space. Watch a demo