Furniture Isles provides you with 7 beautiful and varying interior room settings including over 40 ready to use assets together with a custom vertex color shader for a great optical result.
The furniture sets fit together nicely and each asset is available as a prefab, ready to be dropped into your Unity project.
An example scene will provide a quick overview: WebGL Demo
The assets are textured with seamless UV-mapping and 1024px lossless .tga-images. Each furniture set is an imported .fbx file, has around 3000-6000 polys and is optimized for games or architectural visualization.
The package also includes metallic smoothness maps and carpet textures for additional modification.
Following props are included in Furniture Islands:
- Divider
- Frenchpress
- Curtain
- 3x Vase
- 4x Magazine
- 3x Cupboard
- Cabinet
- Dresser
- Vitrine
- 5x Different Carpets
- 2x Chairs
- 4x Different Lamps
- Chandelier
Sofas & Beds:
- 2x Couch
- 2x Sofa
- 1x Bed
- Commode
- 2x Desks
- Side Table
- 3x Tables