High resolution 2d Cartoon city environment package.
- All the sprites are in 10 sprite sheets (2048x2048px size) with transparent background.
This package includes:
- Demo scene from video
-2 smoke particles system with cartoon smoke texture
-Animated sprites:
girl (idle,jump,run)
bird (idle,fly,)
- source girl, bird in EPS format
5 C# scripts:
-Girl controller
-Bird AI
-Cloud AI (simple move)
-Camera follow
Sprite sheet includes:
-34 houses
-8 trees,14 bushes,3 mountain, 2 road sign, 1 (tile) line grass
-2 lantern, 1 fountain,1 bench
-3 cloud,1 sun (and together)
-1 bus stop,4 tile road
-4 cars (frames, wheels) moved with physics 2D (wheel joint)
- 7 static smoke sprite, 3 fence
- constructor atlas houses color
-constructor atlas houses grayscale
-constructor tree
-Mobille friendly :)
Music in video by Foreverplane
P.S:If you have any question about this package, contact me by email.