This package contains components to add a save game system to your game. It includes functionality for using a save point to open a sample save game screen, selecting a save to overwrite or creating a new save, loading a game, or deleting a selected save file. The save file is comprised of metadata detailing the date of the save file, time played, number of saves, location of the save point, as well as some sample information about the player such as name, level, and HP. The metadata is used to browse saves and the save file itself contains more general information about the player’s state as well as a screenshot taken from when the player saved. You will add your custom information about the player and world state to the save file and save metadata map them with your own game objects when you save or load the game.
The Sample scene demonstrates using the screen controllers to wire up your UI to read data from the save files as well as interactions from the SavePoint object to open up the save screen and from there loading or saving the game data. It includes a sample UI for you save game screen as well.