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This is very complete and advanced gym pack, in which you will find 31 gym prefabs completely modulable. Most objects contain simple and intuitive scripts that generate content autonomously, so it becomes very easy and efficient to build different scenarios. Try this package now and build the next generation of GYM games with our tool. Don’t forget to keep pumping!
This package contains the following:
-The FBX and prefabs of gym machines, bars, weights and environment. All meshes are very low on tris (between 366 and 700 tris).
-Scripts that add weight to the benches and bars.
-Scripts that create “lifting effect”/ when the handlers are pulled.
-Environment motivation texts, logos and decorative images that areworld canvases.
-People in different pumping positions. (free model was obtained from Audience on the asset store).
-Complete documentation to understand the principles of each package and full email support at: michael.soler.beatty@gmail.com
Please check the video, it shows most of the functionalities of the asset.