Gameobject Tools is a set of utilities for the unity editor to improve the workflow and the speed to save time for your daily work.
Component Information:
This utiliy window helps you to organize your components.
You get an overview how many components and childrens are on the selected gameobject.
Also it helps you to setup the components by having an aditional inspector.
This tool help to improve your workflow with a lot of components.
Child Selection:
This utiliy helps you to select all childrens of your selected gameobjects.
It is like Ctrl + A (Select all) but it only select the selected gameobjects with there childrens.
Transform Reset:
This utiliy helps you to reset the transform of gameobjects that are selected.
It can reset the position, rotation, scale or the whole transform
Rename Childrens:
This utiliy helps you to rename all childrens of the selection.
It use the name of the selection and the index of the child position
Parent To Center Position:
This utiliy helps you to recalculate the parent position to the center of all child gameobjects of the selection.