Project Search is the free version of Project Search & Replace. After using this, check out the full version for more features.
Work smarter not harder with Project Search! Search your entire project with the click of a button. Open the Editor Window, create a search and go. No code required!
Search inside Prefabs, Scenes, Components, MonoBehaviours, Materials, and more.
* Save Searches = Save a search and run it again later!
* Go To Item - Display an item in the Inspector by clicking a button in the results.
* Vertical and Horizontal layouts - The Vertical Layout displays less info in a more compact layout, while the Horizontal Layout provides extra data.
* Asset Type Search - Search inside just prefabs, scenes, materials and more.
* Advanced String Search - Search inside strings with case insensitive search, and even regular expressions.
* Granular Searches - Search specific subproperties of Vector3 and more. For example: search for all transform positions with an 'x' of 42.
* Lots To Search? - Have a big project? It can handle it. The paginated UI can display thousands of results without bogging down your machine.
Click here for the full version. The full version contains replace functionality, subsearches, conditional searches, dependency search, search scope functionality, and more!
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