Hand painted assets for terrain.
This package contains:
15 trees FBX:
3 birch, 4 deciduous, 3 oak, 3 pine, 2 willow trees (678-1872 tris).
Bark and leaves use
Nature/TreeSoftOcclusion shader
Trees prefabs with capsule collider
Textures .tga diffuse bark 2048x2048, leaves 1024x1024 with alpha channel.
30 Terrain details objects:
9 flowers, 4 grass, 5 mushrooms, 5 plants, 3 ferns, rye, stone, sunflower, bush.
The grass is made as a detailed mesh(grass).
All details objects use one atlas texture .tga 2048x2048 32bit; vertex alpha for correct bending during the wind.
Objects (FBX with lightmap UV2):
-3 houses (1262,1564,710 tris) with collision models
-3 wooden houses with the interior (LODs, collision models)
-Tavern with the interior (LODs, collision models)
-Town wall (entrance,2 wall tower, 2 wall parts,props, gates)
-Wooden town wall
-4 carts with 3LOD's.
-3 rocks (658,492,514 tris)
-3 stones with 3LOD's.
-2 stumps with 3LOD's
5 terrain textures grass, road, rock, soil, stones 2048x2048
Color Space Gamma
Terrain 1000x1000, Material Default-Terrain-Diffuse.
Post-ProcessingProfile and Text file with instructions how to add Post-Processing effects included.