You get 16 scanned assets in this package.Discord ChannelThis package was created with ScansLibrary's high quality scanning technologies.Asset List:M Asphalt 87KcYnCM Asphalt Gxf8tZM Asphalt Lines efnGzpPM Asphalt Side 9K6FchM Asphalt UNCuRRKM Asphalt w7eMw3GM Asphalt wjHUuqM Asphalt ys4QqF2M Asphalt zryCFVM Cracked Asphalt PNR7NLNM Crackrd Asphalt CqmJEvM New Asphalt LJqTvuM New Asphalt with Line FAVagLM New Asphalt with Twin Lines 8kCQJPM Old Asphalt 3tNHdeaM Roadside UhSZVdScanned Assets: 16 (Surface)Included Texture Maps: Albedo, Normal, AO, SpecularThis package supports Unity 6Texture dimensions: Materials (1K)Texture Maps: Albedo, Specular, Normal, AO maps available for each asset.