Stylized Oasis for your Games.The asset is provided by a stylized set:7 Palm trees8 Rocks6 Bushes4 Grass1 Sand material1 House1 Broken cartfor your project, such as an Oasis, Desert or just an Environment.Number of Unique Meshes:Palms - 7Rocks - 8Grass - 4Bushes - 6Old House - 1Broken Cart - 1The stage and water are not included in the asset.Palms:Triangles: 1135-1307Vertices: 748-845Rocks:Triangles: 1100-3152Vertices: 552-1578Grass:Triangles: 6-76Vertices: 12-118Bushes:Triangles: 756-2268Vertices: 630-1449Broken Cart:Triangles: 9240Vertices: 5018House:Triangles: 1705Vertices: 879Texture Resolutions: 512x512-4096x4096 (Albedo, Normal, RGBA)