RaindropFX Pro URPEasy to use realistic camera lens raindrop animation effects for URP.FORUM | ONLINE DOCUMENTVersions for other rendering pipelines: Standard Pipeline | HDRPCompatibility: for Unity6 and URP 17+ only;Features:• deeply integrated with Universal Rendering Pipeline;• post effect of the falling drops on the camera lens;• raindrops animation based on physics;• wind turbulence support;• radial wind for driving simulation;• simulate colored liquids;• dynamic wipe effect;• choose CPU or GPU as the solver as you like, CPU solver offers better quality while GPU solver offers best performance (GPU solver is currently for screen rain only);• create screen fog effect and interactive with waterdrops naturally;• object space supported (add raindrop to object surface);• custom raindrop texture supported;• all source code is included, so you can customize it for yourself.Please consider reviewing this asset after purchase.If you have any questions, please email me directly at: hztmailbox@gmail.com.*I am an individual developer with limited abilities, and sometimes email replies may not be very timely. Please understand!*About Technical Support:The fee you paid is only for the plugin and there are no regulations on providing technical support. I personally offer free technical support to users who have purchased my plugin for a period of time, up to one month since purchase number is created in AssetStore.If you need to continue technical support beyond the deadline, please purchase an additional seat, Each additional seat purchased will extend technical support by 3 months (fixing bugs and answering usage questions, not accepting new feature development).