AssetQuickFinder help you to find asset in the curent scene, and find the relations between them quickly.
We develop it keep the standard: ANYTHING, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. It is amazing fast, of course.The main goal of AssetQuickFinder:Find owners and dependencies of one asset. You build the database only at the first time when you launch the plugin, then it will update data automatically. Building is fast, rebuild it anytime you want(in case unity import error).Find gameobjects in the current scene that related to one asset. You can find anyting that include texture, model, audio, script, even the asset variable in the script.anything can be searched, and anything can be foundQUICK START1 To search owners or dependencies of asset, right click the asset in unity project window, select menu [[Finder] Find Asset Owner].2 To search asset in current scene, right click the asset in unity project window, select menu [[Finder] Find Asset In Scene].You have to select at least one asset to open the plugin window.The core of serialization was designed carefully, make sure it is effective and take smallest price at runtime.anything can be searched, and anything can be found, even it was found in variables that defined in your custom script, or in one subscene of your main scene.The plugin come from the expirence support for large scale (40000+ assets) project. We redesign and rewrite everything, make it fast and more flexible.