What will i get Form this Asset ?
High Quality 3D Tanks
Varieties of 3D Tanks
Easily customizable
More Then 5,000 Mesh which gives you a LARGE
option to customize or build you Own Tank
Frequently and exclusive Updates.
Sci/Fi style.
This Asset is worth over $80 but we only sell it for $15 so anyone can afford it.
Its perfect for sci/fi or war battles.
NOTE: The Contractor Folder is Still in Progress and more use full things fill get added through the updates. BUT You will still find useful content which you can use to build or customize your own Tanks. If you would like something to be added please feel free to post you request to our website or email with is linked below. We hope that you find this Asset helpful. This Assets contains only Tank Models meaning there are NO animation. There Might be Animation added in feature updates.
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