Unity Analytics presents Heatmaps (Pro only), which allows you to understand user behavior at an exceptionally fine grain. Where do your players go? Where do they die? What are they looking at? Do they experience performance problems? What are your hardest levels? Heatmaps can address all these questions and more.
Heatmaps is a feature of Unity Analytics, and requires each project to flip an activation switch on the Unity Analytics dashboard Configure page.
Built on top of Raw Data Export, Heatmaps retrieves event data at near-real-time and generates maps right inside your scenes. Visualize position, time, and rotation. Separate data by user, session, debug device, platform, or by any custom parameter (e.g. level). Remap colors to investigate numerical discrepancies. Play your maps like a movie and watch your players travel through the game.
Heatmaps includes a handy-dandy Raw Data Inspector, a useful client for downloading raw data.