Versatile and customizable grid placement System with adjustable grid sizes, custom cell visualizations, multi layered grid data, rotation support, layered remove options and many more featuresThe Grid Building System is a powerful and highly customizable grid placement tool, ideal for creating city builders, farm simulators, and other grid based style games.It features adjustable grid sizes with custom cell visualizations, multi-layered GridData for advanced placement mechanics, and building rotation support. An integrated tab-based Shop UI allows for intuitive object selection, while the smart Remove UI streamlines object deletion by filtering specific grid types. With the range of smart tools, this asset makes the development workflow fun and easy.Key features:Customizable Grid System:Define grid cell sizes and use custom prefabs for grid visualization to match your game’s style. Use either custom grid visualizations or the included grid shader for showing the grid.Automatic Object Size calculation & 3D model pivot centeringNo manual calculations required! This assetu ses Scriptable Objects and a custom editor script to automatically precalculate the object size.The pivot of your 3D model is not centered?Assign the CenterMeshXZ script to your model holder and dont worry about it anymore.These scripts ensure perfect alignment and rotation for the grid without much extra effort.Multi-Layered Placement:Utilize multiple GridData levels, allowing different object types (e.g., terrain, buildings, decorations) to occupy the same position.Dynamic Object Size:Using terrain objects of fixed size for different grid cell sizes may result into unwanted spacing between 2 objects if the terrain is smaller than the cell. Simply enable the"dynamicSize" flag on your placeable object and dont worry about it anymore.Object Rotation:Rotate buildings at specified angles for more dynamic and creative placementIntegrated Save System:Automatically saves game data on exit and reloads the scene on game start, ensuring persistent world states without extra setup.Predesigned Demo LevelA predesigned level showcasing all placeable objects, grid types, and core features, allowing you to see and test the system in action right away.Global Game ConfiguratorManage all essential game configurations from a single centralized panel, simplifying adjustments and customization.Tab-Based Shop UI:Easily select different object types through an integrated shop system, making placement quick and intuitive.Smart Remove UI :Remove objects with precision by filtering specific grid types (e.g., only terrain or only buildings), ensuring a smooth and user-friendly deletion process.Or just simply hold teh mouse on an existing object and choose between deleting and moving actions.Extensive Online Documentation & Intuitive Integration:Integrate this asset into your Unity project with user friendly scripts and detailed documentation and make the most of this powerful tool. No need to be a coding expert - this asset is designed for easy implementation.Whether you're designing vast cities, charming farms, or strategic settlements, the Grid Building System provides a flexible and robust foundation to streamline development and enhance gameplay.-------------------------Licensing:For better showcasing of the Grid Building System, there is some CC0 licensed content included in this assetCC0 content doesnt require attribution even when used commercially,however I would still like to give credits to the CC0 assets contributors:Textures for terrains: ambientcg 3D models: https://kenney.nl/assetsUI Sprites: Wenrexa on opengameart.orgSupports Built-In, URP and HDRPExtensive online and in-asset documentation explaining how to use use and configure the asset.Demo scene with predesigned demo level showing the full potential of the grid systemFully configurable griddefine cell sizetotal grid dimensionsDebug grid in scene viewassign cell visualization or use grid visualizationDynamic object sizeadditional feature allowing you to scale objects dynamically based on the grid size2 custom editor scriptsCalculate object sizecenter 3D model pivot in x and z directionCentralized Game ConfiguratorConfigure everything you need in one place, including camera controls, grid controls, and Save System config.Object Grouperassign a group to your placeable object for easier grouping in the shop UIPlacement SystemPlace, move and remove objectsHide unaffected objects in the Remove state (Remove by GridType)State based placement:Placement StateRemove StateRemove All StateMove StateLoad Saved Objects StateScriptable based placeablescreate a placeable object and assign a prefab, icon, GridType and Object Groupautomatically calculate Objects grid size and pivor offsetIncluded Saving & Loading SystemCamera Moving systemZoom, drag & rotateAuto camera movement when mouse is near the screen edgesEasy customizable layer based GridDataPossible to have to objects on same position but different Grid datasE.g. Terrain and on top is a buildingGrid Shader (Optional to use)Ghost Object Shader for previewing the objects (Optional to use)