Zombie Rural - HD Isometric Tileset
SmallScale Interactive
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A large pack of over 1800+ isometric Tiles, including different Floors, Walls, Roofs, Cliffs, Flora, Trees, Cars and Objects. Great RPGs, RTS, Survival and horde games!A massive Zombie countryside tileset pack for your next top down 2D game.With over 1800 different tiles, the pack is created to fit as many different project as possible.The tiles are semi inspired by games like The Last of Us and shows like the Walking Dead. with a post apocalyptic feel to them.Features:Over 1800 isometric tiles!Walls, cliffs, Stairs, Windows, Doors etc.Alot of different objects to populate your scene!Several car objects.Flora! alot of plants, trees and grass.1 player characters with over 15 different animations5 zombie characters with over 15 different animationsAnimated blood splash effectsAnimated Gunfire effectAnimated campfireDetailed example scene with Zombie AI (as shown in video)Each tile is 128x256 px in size. The height is to account for higher objects.The pixel per unit is set to 128.This asset is made to work with my other HD Character packs.For example the Zombie character pack and the Zombie City Tileset Pack are both part of the Zombie series!The tiles are set up to be as flexible as possible, using segments you can build pretty much any building you can think of. This is also great for survival games where the player needs to build things to survive. Fences, Walls, Doors, Windows, Generator, Water tank, windmills etc.The asset also includes a Example scene with a map made from the tiles in the project, a tileset already set up, an example animator controller for each character, a simple Zombie AI that will chase the player, a score counter some ui elements and effects.The example scene in the video iis mainly meant for demonstration purposes and is not completly game ready.For further information on what is included please watch the video.Animated: YesSprite sheets: Yes for all CharactersIndividual sprites: Yes for all tilesSprite dimensions: 128 x128 for charactersSprite dimensions: 128 x256 for Tilesnr of sprites per animations: 15Additional: pixel basedPixel per unit: 128Tile pivot point: X 0.5 Y 0.18