Travel trailers (2LODs)The set of travel trailers includes a big and small variation of the model, and takes the same texture. Both variations can be used as an attachment with other vehicles or on their own thanks to the stand being a separate mesh. The awning tent is also a separate mesh and can be disabled.Both models have two levels of detail (LOD), with a dedicated texture set for the wheels. Both LODs are optimized for mobile use. All textures adhere to the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP).- 11 textures: 6 for the travel trailers and 5 for the wheels.- Textures dimension: 2048x2048; Wheels texture dimension: 2048x1024- Polycount of travel trailer big LOD0 including the wheels: 4,386 tris.- Polycount of travel trailer big LOD1 including the wheels: 1,414 tris.- Polycount of travel trailer small LOD0 including the wheels: 2,912 tris.- Polycount of travel trailer small LOD1 including the wheels: 1,071 tris.- 4 meshes, 2 travel trailers containing LOD0 and LOD1.- UV Mapped- PBR textures