Lowpoly shed industial buildings packThis set of 12 lowpoly sheds is great for mobile games or far away scenarios. The set is divided into 3 textures and it's optimized for mobile use. All textures adhere to the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP).3 textures. 1 diffuse map shared between shed 1 and 2, 1 diffuse map shared among shed 3 to 7, 1 diffuse map shared among shed 8 to 12.- Texture dimension: 2048x2048.- Polycount of shed 1: 48 tris.- Polycount of shed 2: 38 tris.- Polycount of shed 3: 26 tris.- Polycount of shed 4: 26 tris.- Polycount of shed 5: 52 tris.- Polycount of shed 6: 26 tris.- Polycount of shed 7: 26 tris.- Polycount of shed 8: 30 tris.- Polycount of shed 9: 30 tris.- Polycount of shed 10: 30 tris.- Polycount of shed 11: 30 tris.- Polycount of shed 12: 50 tris.- 12 models- UV Mapped- PBR textures