Efficient log writing with "Logger" even in possible case application crash and efficient display of data from multiple logs with "Viewer".Allows you to log during the game and record logs to files via "Logger".After that is ready to open it in the "Viewer", where you can efficiently search and view the individual data logs.Both are optimized for performance.It can be useful that you just need the customer to provide you with the generated log and you can easily search for the cause at any time and fix any complications that arise, for example, in the course of playing.All further information is in the technical detailsDocumentationLogger🔥FeaturesIt allows you to record logs continuously (This ensures that in the event of an application crash, we will have content with all available logs available)Adjustable interval to write logs in millisecondsExport to these formats: CSV, JSON, TSV, TXTThe inspector shows the number of logs written in playmodeAllows you to customize the path as needed.Viewer🔥FeaturesWorks without network connection and does not have dependencies on third party libraries.⌛Loading files in chunkAllows you to adjust according to the performance of your device💽Scrolling improvements for largedatasetLazy loading (required load all data before to work with them)Observed logs🕵️Quick searchAllows you to search through the messages, stack logs and dates (Allows you to find data that is not yet displayed via Lazy loading)Automatic hinting when searchingTimezone can easily help to identify data for different countriesRow number can help to find data more quickly and is easier to works with multiple loaded files😶🌫️VisibilityFilters to activate or deactivate message of the specific typeActivate or deactivate files (can be detach when they are not needed anymore)Time from & Time to - show rows by these selection (Must be written in local zone format, but they are respect selected Timezone)📤 Export LogsExport only visible logs to different formats: JSON, CSV, TXT, TSV📩SortingDate (is according to the data from the created log)Message (alphabetically sorted)Type (messages are sorted by type in same order like filters are visible)🔗IntegrationAllows you to read logs from EditorConsolePro and create them as individual dynamic filters🔦VisualizationLight/Dark themeResponsive design (Pc, Phones, etc..)Easy customizable in one place (colors, backgrounds, etc..)A visual chart showing the percentage of usages of the types of the messages (Is rounded to two decimal places)ℹ️It always depends on the target performance of the device, but it is optimized and adjusted to handle sufficiently large amounts of data.AI was used for best practices to maximize the performance of the asset and during the writing of the code to maintain the cleanliness of the created project.