A flexible Unity door system with auto, timer, key-Based & interactive modes, rotating & sliding options, raycast-based interaction, smooth animations. Easy to integrate and customize.The Door System is a flexible and easy-to-use Unity package that allows developers to add interactive and automatic doors to their projects. Whether you need a door that opens automatically when the player approaches or one that requires input to open, this system provides a complete solution. With support for both rotating and sliding doors, customizable settings, and smooth animations, integrating doors into your game has never been easier.This package is designed to work across multiple platforms, including PC, console, and VR, and comes with an optional floating UI prompt that instructs players when they can interact with the door.Automatic Doors (open when player approaches)Interactive Doors (require player input to open)Timer-Based Doors (open after a countdown)Key-Based Doors (require a key to unlock)UI Text Effects (fade-up animation for texts)Door System - Technical DetailsFeaturesAutomatic & Interactive Doors: Choose between auto-opening doors or interactive doors that require player input.Rotation & Sliding Options: Doors can either rotate on a hinge or slide open.Raycast-Based Interaction: Interactive doors use a raycast to detect player input.Detection Range System: Automatically opens/closes when the player enters or leaves a defined range.Floating UI Prompt: Displays a "Press E to Open" text near the door, which always faces the player.Smooth Animations: Uses Lerp for natural door movement.Easy Integration: Simply attach the script to any door model and configure the settings in the Inspector.Supported PlatformsPCConsoleVR (With minor modifications for controller input)Mobile (Requires adapting touch-based input)Supported Operating SystemsWindowsmacOSLinuxAndroid (with touch input modifications)iOS (with touch input modifications)Link to Documentation