Easy Water - High-Quality Customizable Water Shader for Unity URP
A user-friendly, high-quality water shader system designed specifically for the Unity Universal Render Pipeline (URP).If you encounter any difficulties or want to learn more about us!| Discord |Easy Water - High-Quality Customizable Water Shader for Unity URPA user-friendly, high-quality water shader system designed specifically for the Unity Universal Render Pipeline (URP).The video utilizes assets exclusively from this package:Stylized Island KitThose who already own the package can upgrade to the Stylized Island Kit for only $1## Features**Fully Customizable Water Effects via Shader Graph:**Create unique and dynamic water surfaces with the power of Shader Graph.**Multi-Layered Wave Animation System:*** Natural-looking waves generated with Voronoi noise.* Fractal wave overlay for enhanced detail.* Adjustable wave direction, speed, and intensity.**Advanced Visual Effects:*** Depth-based water transparency.* Customizable Fresnel reflections.* Dynamic normal map blending.* Adjustable refraction effects.**Performance Optimization:**Modular shader subgraph system.Optimized calculation methods.Scalable performance.## System RequirementsUnity 2021.3 or laterUniversal Render Pipeline (URP)## Quick Start1. Import the "Easy Water" folder into your Unity project.2. Create a plane or water mesh in your scene.3. Drag and drop the water material from the "Material" folder onto your water object.4. Adjust the material parameters as needed.5. Disable "Cast Shadows" within the Mesh Renderer's "Lighting" settings on your water GameObject.6. nsure "Opaque Texture" is enabled within the URP Pipeline Asset settings.**## Key Parameter Descriptions### Basic SettingsWater Color: Adjust the base color of the water.Transparency: Control the overall transparency of the water.Wave Intensity:Adjust the overall strength of the water waves.### Wave SettingsWave Direction: Control the direction of wave movement.Wave Speed: Adjust the speed of wave motion.Wave Size: Control the size of the waves.### Visual EffectsReflection Intensity:Adjust the intensity of reflections on the water surface.Refraction Intensity: Control the degree of refraction distortion of underwater objects.Depth Attenuation: Adjust the color transition of the water as it changes with depth.## Example SceneA complete example scene is included in the "Example" folder, showcasing the various effects and uses of the water shader.## Performance Optimization TipsAdjust the wave detail level according to project requirements.Reduce wave complexity for mobile platforms.Balance visual effects and performance by adjusting parameters.## Important NotesDisable "Cast Shadows": To prevent unwanted shadow artifacts on the water surface, please disable the "Cast Shadows" option in the Mesh Renderer's "Lighting" settings of your water GameObject.Enable "Opaque Texture":For proper rendering in the URP, make sure the "Opaque Texture" option is enabled in your URP Pipeline Asset settings.