MemoryChannel is a memory mapped file API that enables rapid inter-process communication.The asset was created with URP as the base. For the three demo scenes just change the Mat_Cube/Plane to the corrent Unity shader. On occasion you need to access .NET code that is newer than the version used by Unity, or you need to exchange data with another executable in real time.We provide you with a memory map library which allows you to create/open a memory location and then write to and read from it.Because it is a generic approach you can exchange data between any number of clients and those clients can be written in any language that supports memory mapping, such as C++ etc.Library manages memory map creation and openingSpecify 1-8 data types that can be used (extensible so you can add as many as you want)Each type (specified as e.g. a struct) can have from 1 to N instances in memoryWe provide generic methods for reading and writing single elements as well as full and partial arrays