Intel® XeSS Plugin for Unity* EngineFor HDRP/SRP, please refer to the sample available in the repository linked below.For URP, you will need to provide motion vector data.For more details, visit: GitHub - XeSS Unity Plugin.This plugin integrates Intel® Xe Super Sampling (XeSS) into the Unity Engine.The plugin now supports the HDRP/SRP render pipeline.Supported graphics API: DX12.Intel® XeSS enables innovative framerate boosting technology supported by Intel® Arc™ graphics cards and other GPU vendors. Using AI deep-learning for upscaling, XeSS offers higher framerates without degrading image quality. For more information, visit: Intel® XeSS GitHubcom.intel.xess - XeSS main C# package for Unity for XeSS SDKUnityXeSSPlugin - XeSS native plugin source code for Unitycom.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition@14.0.11 - Modified Unity HDRP rendering pipeline (14.0.11) code for Unity 2022 LTSHDRP Samples - Please check the "Release" section for the samples (with vk.bat to start with Vulkan, dx12.bat to start with DX12, and dx11.bat to start with DX11)For more information, please visit: GitHub - XeSS Unity Plugin.