Add, Remove & Preview Colliders with Ease!The Easy Collider tool is a powerful Unity editor extension designed to simplify collider management. It allows you to quickly add, remove, and preview colliders for meshes and skinned meshes, with support for multiple collider types. Perfect for optimizing workflows and ensuring accurate physics interactions in your Unity projects.Supported Colliders: MeshCollider, BoxCollider, CapsuleCollider, SphereCollider, WheelCollider.Features:Add colliders to single objects or entire hierarchies.Remove colliders from selected objects or all objects in the scene.Preview colliders in the Scene View using Gizmos.Supports SkinnedMeshRenderer by baking meshes.Automatically set tags and layers for objects.Editor Integration:Easy-to-use buttons and dropdowns in the Inspector.Works in Edit Mode for seamless integration.Requirements: Unity 6.0 or later.Platforms: Works in the Unity Editor (not runtime).