Kitchen Animation Pack
Create dynamic and immersive kitchen scenes with this versatile animation pack!Uses Standard RP materials, please change the material types underTheMightyCat/Materials to your prefered RP.VIDEO PREVIEW (link)From slicing vegetables and stirring pots to pressing buttons and using an oven, each animation is crafted for realism and fluidity, using our motion capture suits.Package Animations:Box PickupUseDropCleanGlassCup PickupDropHandle PickupUseDropKnifeChopping BigKnifeChopping FilletKnifeChoppingKnifeldle DropKnifeKnifeldle GrabKnifeMakeFoodCompilationMixBatterOven HorizontalOpenCloseOven VerticalOpenClosePan Flip 01Pan Flip 02Pan PickupDropPlate PickupDropUsePot MixPot PickupDropPressButton 01PressButton 02RightHandReachRoundObject PickupDropServeSpice PickupUseDropTasteTray PickupDropTurnNode 01TurnNode 02TurnNode 03TurnNode 04WipeCounterIdeal for cooking simulations, casual games, and storytelling projects.Bring your kitchen environments to life and make your virtual characters right at home with this animation pack from The Mighty Cat Games!Stay Mighty!Number of Animations: 32Animation types: Root Motion & In place (optional)