This SFX Pack has got what a busy sound designer needs in any given project and can easily become an indispensable toolkitVIEW SOUNDLISTThis SFX Pack has got what a busy sound designer needs in any given project and can easily become an indispensable toolkit. It gives you access to 3 hours of room tones and quiet or low activity ambiences, ranging from loud industrial spaces to quiet domestic rooms. These meticulously recorded sounds have clarity and lots of room for further usage and sound design with the flexible texture of the sounds for further customization.This is a fresh and unique pack that combines many themes in one collection. You will get a large and immersive selection of palaces, factories, warehouses, houses, apartments, car parks, gyms, swimming pools, libraries, supermarkets, cafeterias, offices, bars, theaters, schools and many more spaces and locations in 84 pristine sound files – in 24bit/96 kHz Wav format with detailed, easy to navigate naming. It is a thoroughly researched collection of high-resolution sound effects and loopable soundscapes, recorded with patience and sometimes in stealth and guerilla style – over a 3-month period.The recordings have just the right amount of noise floor. These are recordings at different times of the day, with varying or no activity levels, with high-medium-low-no ventilation and even ultra-silence.Keywords including Location, Activity, StyleRoom tone, ambience, soundscape, loopable, industrial, interior, space, quiet, domestic, room underground, car park, palace, factory, machinery, hall, stairs, stone house, house, apartment, building car park, library, supermarket, cafeteria, server room, boiler, dryer, office, shopping mall, bar, theater, concert hall, hallway, rooftop, attic, corridor, basement, top floor, loud, ventilation, kitchen, bathroom, rain, school, university, swimming pool, greenhouse, glasshouse, winter garden, elevator, lift, winch.Audio file types WAVSample rate 96khzBit depth 24bitLoopable: noAdditional: Stereo/mono