Poker Blackjack and Card Games Animation Pack
The Mighty Cat Games
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The Mighty Cat Games' Poker, Blackjack, and Card Games Animation Pack!
Delivers smooth, natural animations tailored for every card-playing scenario.Uses Standard RP materials, please change the material types underTheMightyCat/Materials to your prefered RP.VIDEO PREVIEW (link)The Mighty Cat Games' Poker, Blackjack, and Card Games Animation Pack! Perfect for creating immersive casino experiences or casual card game environments, this motion capture pack delivers smooth, natural animations tailored for every card-playing scenario.Package Animations:Blackjack Dealer DealCardBlackjack Dealer RevealHouseCard 01Blackjack Dealer RevealHouseCard 02Blackjack Player 01Blackjack Player 02Blackjack Player 03Bonus Dealer 01Bonus Dealer 02Bonus Dealer 03Bonus Dealer 04Bonus Player 01Bonus Player 02Bonus Player 03Bonus Player 04Bonus Player 05Bonus Player 06Bonus Player 07CCG Player Discard 01CCG Player Discard 02CCG Player DrawFromDeckCCG Player PickupDropCardCCG Player PickUpFromBoardCCG Player PlayFromHandCCG Player ResetTableCCG Player RevealHandCCG Player SetupTablePoker Dealer Card Idle 01Poker Dealer Card Idle Break 01Poker Dealer GatherChips ByHandPoker Dealer GatherChips ByStickPoker Dealer Give ChipsPoker Dealer Idle 01Poker Dealer Idle 02Poker Dealer Idle 03Poker Dealer Reveal Cards 01Poker Dealer Reveal Cards FromMachine 01Poker Dealer Shuffling 01Poker Dealer Shuffling 02Poker Dealer To Players 01Poker Dealer To Players 02Poker Dealer To Players From Machine 01Poker Player 01Poker Player 02Poker Player 03Reactions Player01 Lose 01Reactions Player01 Lose 02Reactions Player01 Neutral 01Reactions Player01 Neutral 02Reactions Player01 WaitingOthersReactions Player01 Win 01Reactions Player01 Win 02Reactions Player01 Win 03Reactions Player02 Lose 01Reactions Player02 Lose 02Reactions Player02 Neutral 01Reactions Player02 Neutral 02Reactions Player02 WaitingOthersReactions Player02 Win 01Reactions Player02 Win 02Reactions Player03 Lose 01Reactions Player03 Lose 02Reactions Player03 Neutral 01Reactions Player03 Neutral 02Reactions Player03 WaitingOthersReactions Player03 Win 01Reactions Player03 Win 02Whether you’re building a high-stakes casino game or a cozy card-playing app, this pack delivers the perfect balance of realism and style.Add a touch of authenticity to your card game projects today!Stay Mighty!Number of Animations: 66Animation types: Root Motion & In place (optional)